This is a concept user
interface for Microsoft Windows Phone. I
have retained the “Phone” in the title because Microsoft’s plan to brand the
software of their phones, tablets and PCs as Windows might end up causing the
same confusion that they are trying to correct.
This concept is an evolution
of a previous concept started in 2010. Screenshots of Version 1 can be found on
Twitter and on Nokia Ideas Project. Version 2 can be found here. This version, 4.6,
represents what I believe to be the way forward for Microsoft’s One Windows
strategy. From all indications, the One Windows plan is meant to harmonise the
code base between the various types of Windows OS. However, I reckon that
harmonisation of the code base represents only one side of the coin. The user
interface (UI) must also be harmonized. While there is some similarity on the Metro
Modern side of things, the traditional desktop side creates a chasm. This concept
is an attempt to create a consistent and uniform user interface across all form
factors whilst avoiding the dichotomy between Modern UI and the desktop.